I just came across a thread by Stille. It was mentioned that someone added all AYP-practices within three years and ended up not being able to meditate at all.
I am wondering if there is general frame or a rule of thumb when it can be regarded as reasonable to take on an additional practice. Obviously adding all practices in three years is too fast. I suppose that a practice can be added after a few months of a stable routine.
Yes, a few months would be the right answer. In terms of kechari, we are talking about a decade at least.
The rate of adding practices depends on the level of practice and the level of purity of one’s nervous system. This is another aspect of self-pacing: Each of us has to figure out what works for ourselves, while continuing with a stable regular practice. Deep meditation is the main practice, with spinal breathing as a second important practice. The rest of the practices with speed up the process of purification. No, we do not need to do stage 4 kechari to progress toward enlightenment. As the nervous system purifies, some of these practice will occur spontaneously. But there is no imperative need to do all the AYP practices. Keep a stable regular practice of DM and SB, and slowly add other practices - see what duration and program of practices work for you. Long-term practice is more important than an intense short-term practice (a three year spiritual practice seems short for me ).
We do our daily spiritual practice, and then we go out in the world and live our life. In time, we see that living in the world is just another aspect of the spiritual practice.
This is what happens to me very strong lately. All I do is practise and my inner guru (and body) show me where opening is occuring. Then I choose to support the already occuring purification by additional AYP practises (or changes to the routine - I swapped out yoni mudra for chin pump because my body would do literally endless head rotations in DM and Samyama and YMK felt strainous quickly). Of course self-pacing as neccessary, keeping at least 2 to 3 months in between additions. I realised recently that the most important practise of it all is bhakti anyways. When I fuel my bhakti before meditation it gets real intense.
I am wondering if there is a general frame or a rule of thumb when it can be regarded as reasonable to take on an additional practice.
[/quote]I think Yogani gave 5 to 10 years as a very general rule for building the whole set of AYP practices into one’s routine. This is from memory, I can’ remember where that post is.
Of course, many practitioners discover that their level of sensitivity reduces the number of practices to only a few. Sometimes just meditation is enough.
As Blanche said, each of us finds our own pace.
If in doubt about adding a new practice, it’s best to err on the side of caution.
I have a practice of SBP and DM. Is there a certain order in which you add Ajroli or could I do it now?
Kind regards