Hello there,
simple question: May doing things to help the others be just a disguised way to fulfill one’s egoistic desire ? I’ve been undergoing some intense questionning for a couple of days.
How can I make sure that this is indeed a “selflessness action ?”
Love, Niels
Niels, An excellent question. I do often wonder if we deceive ourselves in our altruistic endeavors to feel/look better in other people’s eyes. I have heard it said the best form of charity is when the giver is anonymous and the giver isn’t even aware of who the receiver is. This issue resurfaced a few years ago for me as well as the “effective altruism” movement came into being. In it they recommend syphoning off money from your pay to send directly to a fund that distributes money directly to causes that have been vetted to have the best “bang for your buck”. Since we are social creatures and do get pleasure from giving, this takes away some of the pleasure that comes from giving. Maybe this is just a direct answer to your question. Ultimately giving to others is good, even if we get some benefit. I suspect the more you give from a deeper place of love, the less ego is involved. If everyone gave a little bit, the world would be a better place.
“simple question: May doing things to help the others be just a disguised way to fulfill one’s egoistic desire ? I’ve been undergoing some intense questionning for a couple of days.
How can I make sure that this is indeed a “selflessness action ?””
When one cultivates enough silence and identity the witness state, then a yogi simply drops these questions into silence and be open to the knowing revealed. Questioning your motives, thoughts, and actions are a yoga practice.