Hi guys,
Next May I will be running a one week AYP retreat in Galicia in Spain. It will take place at the Punta de Couso Retreat Centre which is by the sea in the Southern part of Galicia.
The dates will be the 12th to the 19th May 2018.
Full details are here on my website.
The retreat will be led in the English language.
Contact me if you would like to come.
Hi Christi,
What a beautiful place! Thanks for putting it together.
Hi Christi,
because I have good results in life with DM since more or less 6 years; my expectations of this retreat are mainly on the “Energy side of the Equation” and learn better the things which are difficult to learn only by the Internet and Books (ameliorate SBP, YMK, Kechary? etc)
What do you think and Thanks in advance!
Hi Joao,
The practices that we will be doing on the retreat in Spain will be asana, SBP, DM and Samyama. We will also be doing Cosmic Samyama occasionally.
On top of that, I will be teaching some of the additional energetic practices, and how these can be combined with asana practice and pranayama. These will include things like mulabandha, sambhavi mudra, trataka, samyama and so on.
On all the retreats that I lead, I do questions and answers sessions in the evenings, where people can ask anything to do with yoga or spirituality. People can also ask for demonstrations to be given, so if there are particular practices that you are unsure about, then we can demonstrate them and make sure that you are doing them right.
It will be a one-week retreat, so there will be plenty of time to go into any of the AYP practices that people are interested in.
Thank you very much Christi!
Hi Christi,
the retreat in Galizia, Spain is still ok?
I will go to the retreat by car, do you have the exact coordinates of the place to put on my GPS? If there are some news about the retreat let me know (at any moment)…
Thank you very much.
Hi Joao,
There are 15 of us planning to come to the retreat in Spain in May. There are still a few places available if anyone else wants to join the retreat.
The GPS co-ordinates for the Venue are : Coordenates GPS: N 42 ° 30 283, 85 503 O 8
Use these co-ordinates for Satnavs, rather than the name of the centre, as there are several centres in Spain with the same name!
2 months before every retreat takes place, I send out an information sheet to everyone coming, with details like this on. So, you will get that by email next week.
Thank you very much again, Christi!
Hi Christi,
Punta de Cousi and Jacomina Kistemaker are the same thing/place, right?
Hi Joao,
Yes, for the sake of navigation, that’s right.
Jacomina is the owner of the centre. Punta-de-Couso is the name of the centre.
Thanks Christi!
Hi christi,
when it is supposed to pay the rest of the retreat cost (GBP 195 in my case - ok?) ?
Also you said that you would send some more info for the people that are already booked…
Thank you very much.
Hi Joao,
All the information was sent out 3 days ago. I have just sent it to you again by email. If you have more than one email address, then check both (or all) of them. Don’t forget to check promotion and spam folders, just in case.
If the email does not come through, then phone me, using the contact number on this page:
Hi everyone,
There are still a few places left on the retreat that will be taking place in Spain, starting on the 12th. The retreat will be led in English. Contact me if you would like to join us.
During the retreat, we will be recording some of the teachings and answers to questions that are given. After the retreat finishes, we will be making them available for anyone who wants to watch them.
Links to the recordings will be sent out via email to people on the mailing list. So, if you would like to receive the links and you are not on the mailing list already, you can add yourself here:
I’m not going to Spain but think I’m on the mailing list unless it’s something new.
Hi Lalow,
The emails which used to only be about events taking place, are now also going to include info about online learning, videos and podcasts etc. So if you have been receiving emails about retreats and TTC’s taking place, then you are on the list already, and will get notifications about videos/ sound recordings etc. as well.
One day we will have multiple mailing lists for different things happening, but we are not that technologically advanced yet! We will get there one day.
If you are ever unsure if you are on a mailing list or not and you want to be on one, you can always just add yourself using the “subscribe to mailing list” form. When multiple mailing lists exist, there will be several check boxes on the form, so you will be able to choose what you want to be kept updated about. All emails have an “unsubscribe” button at the bottom, so you can also unsubscribe from any list at any time.
Well, I only get emails for Teacher Training, not retreats, so I’ll add my name to the subscription.
I started getting ads, so I unsubscribed.
Have fun in Spain!