Dear all,
I have been practicing a very simple set of kriyas/asanas (Isha yoga) since last 10 months. Lately I’ve experienced some severe problems and have stopped the practice since a month.
These are my symptoms:
1- Very intense nerve pain in soles of the feet (mostly left feet and toes). It increases in night. Its a stabbing and burning pain in nerves (not muscle pain.). There is some kind of pulse running in toes.
2- Throat choking during reciting of OM. There is a sensation of pressure building up in throat and pushing upwards, but its not bearable and I cough till it stops.
3- Body is always hot like fever, heat increases after evening.
4- Tingling at the top of head, as if air is blowing there and popping in ears.
5- Many other unusual sensations, like throbbing at perineum and shaking of whole body in sleep.
I’ve done medical checkups and 5 kinds of tests , everything is perfect in the body, no viruses, normal BP and blood sugar, no HIV. Even the doctor is confused, because these resemble nearly a dozen of diseases and reports say I’m perfectly healthy. He has prescribed pain killers (pregabalin & Infen) which I take when the feet pain becomes unbearable.
Now that I’ve given up the practice , these symptoms have become less intense. After much searching, I suspect kundalini (or active prana).
What do the experienced and knowledgeable members here have to say about it ? Am I deluded/have a rare disease or has the practice triggered something, which was not intended by the teachers ?
I’ll be very grateful for any help because I’m very confused and troubled by the pain.
Hi Sanjeev, welcome to the forum.
Yes it sounds like kundalini overload symptoms from your practices. It is normal and nothing to worry too much about. Yoga practices can be powerful, and you should find the right amount for you. Overdoing it has been compared to sending too much electricity (yoga practices and energy) through a circuit (your nervous system). The wires will fry, and that’s what you’re feeling right now. It doesn’t mean the practices were bad, just that you did too much. And your nerves aren’t permanently damaged, they just need time to cool down.
You are right to stay away from practices until your symptoms subside. Do “grounding” activities such as taking long walks (burns off excess energy), and eating heavy foods like meat, grain, and dairy (diverts energy toward digestion). After a while when you are feeling better, you might like to go back to doing your practices. This might be a week from now, or a year from now, or a decade from now - whatever feels right to you. If you should start again, use “self pacing.” Spiritual practices have a compounding effect, so overload can sneak up. To avoid this, start out by doing a safe amount of practice. If you were doing a half hour per day before, maybe start up again at 5 minutes per day. Then adjust that amount to match your level of comfort. If you start to feel overload again, back off a bit.
You can read more about self pacing and grounding in the AYP lessons, the “Main Lessons” link at the top of the forum page. There is a vast wealth of knowledge there in the lessons about what you’re going through.
I hope this helps a bit, and I hope you feel better.
Thanks for the reply. Yes, your words did ease my fear.
I’m reading the material here, and its very informative. The practices taught here are almost similar to what I was practicing. (That’s what made me sign up here)
I’m actually unable to practice at all, at this time (for my own good I guess). I simply need to sit still or lie down, and I sense a “flow” of sensations moving inside various parts of the body, It quickly becomes painful (Feet and hands are most affected). I must move to break it. This is a difficult thing, especially when I’m trying to sleep.
I’ll start again at a slower pace, when it becomes normal (hopefully soon). I did not hurry, as far as I know, I did the practice as recommended (twice a day, 30 min each session). But I guess it was a bit too much for my system. Others have not complained so far. All I want is to recover quickly.
I do have a few questions besides those posted above. According to some, this can be simple “energy imbalance” and a result of practicing incorrectly. What do you (and other readers) think of this opinion ? Is this energy imbalance ? How to differentiate between Kundalini symptoms and energy imbalances ? Can incorrectly performing locks or alternate nostril breathing or rapid breathing cause such symptoms ? If you do the kriyas mentioned here on AYP incorrectly, what will be the effect ?
(Apologies for my funny English)
energy imbalances are too many obstructions in the nervous system that are being cleared out at the same time…this leads to overload or to kundalini symptoms…all these words mean the same thing…
cuurently it is clear you are in overload …you are doing very well in listening to your inner voice guiding you to stop all practices for now…in due time this inner voice will guide you to go back gradually to practicing
check this lesson :
Some people are more sensitive to spiritual practices than others. Maybe 10 minutes of practice for you causes the same result as 30 minutes for somebody else.
The symptoms are almost certainly from overdoing rather than an incorrect procedure on a practice. The instructions here are comprehensive and very well detailed. Just like most other spiritual practices, the actual procedures are quite simple. It’s hard to do anything incorrectly, but easy to overdo things.
If you were using any practice which intentionally stimulates the crown chakra at the top of the head, that can very quickly lead to overload. It is recommended to avoid such practices until they are naturally coming up on their own.
Also, it’s important to include some meditation in your practices. If your practice was all asana, pranayama, and chanting - that can be very stimulating to the energy. Adding a component of stillness balances the energetic fireworks.
Thank you for your reply maheswari.
I’ve read that lesson, very useful. I’m planning to start physical exercises again after a week or two instead of complete rest.
Any suggestions for helping the body clear up the system are most welcome. Especially, it seems that the “energies” are stuck at throat, there is a very distinct and uncomfortable pressure there. How to assist it to clear it up ?
I’m happy that you also think that these symptoms are not due to incorrect practice. I agree that these kriyas/asanas are very simple. At most I’ve felt a foot falling asleep or tired back or knees in early days, when I was not used to sit down in siddhasana.
The practice actually includes meditation, which involves concentrating at brow center (~10 min), which actually increases the flow in my case. There is no stimulation of the crown. I’ll try excluding the brow stimulation, and see if it makes it smoother. Thanks a lot for this tip.
I’m guessing that AYP also derives its practices from Hatha yoga, I was pleasantly surprised to see that I’m practicing almost all of the steps listed here: (1-18)
From my personal experience I can say that this set is indeed very effective. A bit too effective sometimes
Hi Sanjeev,
I have faced points 3,4 and 5 during my yoga practices which you mentioned in your post - they are classic cases of energy build-up which are not balanced with enough relaxation or may be too much strain on physical body due to work,travel. Just contemplate and write-out(journaling) if you face any emotional or mental blockages… this can help as well.
I would suggest you to cut down your practices for sometime(It took me around 6-8 months to recover as I faced a palpitating heart beat with all above).
If your desire to experience stillness and God still persists, I believe you can pick-up from where you left off later but with much more wisdom and practical sense. All the best!
Hi Sanjeev,
I can relate to this, as I am currently staying away from meditation due to overload symptoms. I see that you have got good advices so far. Following those will surely help you to get back in track.
I want to add another point from my experience which have been very much beneficial for me to mitigate the overload symptoms. cutting practices and grounding stopped me from getting worse, but still overload symtomps were coming back. At that point it felt like i need something more. I was directed to lesson #71 at such time, and this was it.
In that lesson, yogani says: “asanas are last in the pecking order … (however) You may be naturally inclined to do asanas and leave pranayama and meditation behind. That’s okay. It may even be necessary if you are having some kundalini imbalances. Asanas can help smooth out the inner currents …"
additionally, in some article, I found that Hatha Yoga (asanas focusing on physical constitute) prepares the body for Raj Yoga (focusing on spiritual growth).
I have been very stable after starting asanas, energy movements turned into pleasant experiences, and overload symptoms mitigated a lot. I used to have overload trouble around 8-10 hours a day when I started asanas one month ago, which are there for 1/2 an hour per day on an average these days. And intensity of those are also significanty lesser. It seems like asanas are talking to me .
For more information - I was doing the sequence which I found in this topic (thanks to Maheswari) -
I am doing spinal breathing pranayama with this, which is also good for energy balancing. if you are not familiar with this, you can find this in the lesson #41.
lots of love, and wish you all the best . And no fear, you are in the right place.
P.S. You may want to go through the AYP book for Asana.
Hi chit-ananda,
Thank you for the advice. It’s comforting to know that other practitioners have gone through this and have recovered and its not permanent.
As you’ve said, stopping works. I stopped a month back.
I’ll start again with mild poses as soon as the “voice within” tell me to.
I do record my experiences on my PC. Lately I’ve gone public, in spite of some advices on not to make my condition public. However I’m on net, not in real world.
I’ll keep you posted.
Hi DawnCalling,
Thank you for the informative reply.
I’m happy that the asanas are working for you. The list of 10 by Maheswari looks like a complete recipe and it may take a while to learn. I’ve already read on SB. I used to do alternate nostril breathing, so SB is most natural.
Yes, I do feel at home here. Thanks for your support and kindness. I’ll update here on how it evolves, so plz do take a look again.