Hi all,
As mentioned a few months ago, we are planning to migrate to a new forum platform. The new platform will be Discourse and the move is planned for the 30th January.
If all goes as planned, it will be a seamless integration, where people will simply be sent to the new forum instead of this one. All the posts from this forum will be migrated over, and everything will be the same in terms of content, but with a new, more modern layout.
As with all tech things, there can be glitches, especially with a big migration like this, so if anything looks odd, or is not working as it should on the 30th and 31st January, I would advise not worrying about it, and simply waiting for the tech people to sort it out. We will be checking that everything is working O.K. and fixing anything that is not.
With luck, the transition should go quite seamlessly!
Hi All,
As mentioned by Christi above, the migration will be happening on January 30, Thursday, tomorrow. We do not expect any down time, just a shift from this forum to the new one at some point. All links and posting will be shifted automatically from the old forum to the new one. We look forward to seeing you there, with many modern forum features available.
Thanks to Christi (Tristan) for taking the lead on this and making it happen.
The guru is in you.
Hi all,
We are progressing with the forum migration set for tomorrow (Thursday 30th), and everything is going well.
One of the advantages with the new forum is that we will be able to access it via an app. The app is called “Discourse Hub”. Once downloaded, you will need to enter the URL of the new forum, which you will see in the browser bar once we have moved to the new site. It will be different from aypsite.org. The app is available for iPhone and Android and is a general app for all Discourse forums, so if you already use a Discourse forum, you will probably already have it. It can be downloaded from the Google app store and the Apple app store and is free. The app will show notifications on your mobile phone, such as if someone has liked your post, if someone has replied to you, or if there is a new post in a topic that you are watching. You will need to set these notifications up in your profile settings for them to work.
Your username and password for this forum will work in the new forum once we have migrated there. The forum will appear here, just as this one does. Automatic forwarding will be in place.
Everything is backed-up in a few places, so we cannot lose anything.
As mentioned, there may be a few hiccups with the transition, so do be patient over the next couple of days!
Posted by @Christi 1/30-31
Hi all,
Just to update on this:
Everything is going well with the migration of the forum. There are still some things that need to be put in place before we can finally move over to the new platform, so it will probably be Friday, or Saturday, before we finally make the switch.
Hi all,
Apparently there is a better way of adding an app to your phone for the new forum. This will only be possible after the migration is complete.
These are the instructions for doing this:
If you have an Android phone using any browser, or an iPhone using iOS 13 and above with the Safari browser, you can use your phone to create an app for you. This will create a “progressive app” on your phone which will show up in the apps section in settings, and on your main phone screen with the other apps. To do this, when you are on the forum on your phone, click on the three dots at the top of the browser screen and select “Add to Home Screen”. Then when offered “Save with link”, or “Install”, select “Install”. The wording could vary depending on the phone model and operating system. Then go into settings and turn on notifications. Check “allow notifications when app is not in use”. This is the best way of accessing the forum via an app as it will allow push notifications on your phone Home Screen.
Hi all,
We have completed the migration and forwarding is now in place from the old forum platform. So, if everything has worked, you should be simply seeing this, but with a new look!
Do check out the top category on the left called “General - Start Here”, as it contains some instructions for using the new platform, including turning notifications on.
There will likely be some teething problems, so if you notice anything not working as it should, do post about it here, send me a DM, or send me an email using this form. We will try to fix things as quickly as we can.