Well I posted yesterday that I was finally able to relax and meditate after months of suffering from an extremely pruritic skin condition.
Thanks for the pats on the back to those that replied!
Now that I was able to get a dose of ecstasy, things are moving right along, as they do.
I woke up with these words ringing in my head: dyshydrotic eczema. I’d come across this condition in my research, but never given it serious thought. Sure enough, this exactly one of the conditions I’ve been suffering from. No doubt at all.
So one down, a few to go?
After months of pain and discontentment, it’s nice to have a small victory. Unfortunately, there’s not really much I can do that I haven’t been doing to treat this condition. But it’s nice to pinpoint what’s going on!
Previously, I’d lost some faith that this was a purification symptom and would run its course. Just in the past few days I’d become convinced that I had some life long disability that would make life a living hell.
Next step: figure out exactly what else is going on. I’m pretty confident that there is chronic urticaria, atopic eczema and follicullitis (from secondary infections).
If anyone’s ever gone through a “kundalini rash” and has something to share, I’m all ears!
My daughter developed a kundalini rash about six months ago due to my overloading and the naturopath gave her some drops that cleared the entire (it was close to being a whole body rash) thing up in about an hour. Will have to go home and look at the bottle to remember what kind of drops they are, but I’ll report back here later this evening once I’m home from work and had a chance to find the name of them. Hopefully you can find some and they will help you like they helped her.
I get rashes on my arms usually from warm weather & the sun.It’s very itchy but looks alright as long as I don’t touch it.I’ve got that condition few years back & continued since then…& this is the first summer I get the same rash on my tummy too
I personally use Calamine lotion & cold rose water to calm the itching sensation.I also use "Lipiderm emulsion creme " during the day.
Hope you find any of these helpful in your case.
Thank you for your input guys.
Carson, I’d love to hear more about this remedy. Namath, thank you for your thoughts. I’ve been on some pretty heavy medication during this time, unfortunately calamine doesn’t touch it
The rash is definitely due to overloading, but not from practice. It started after receiving a muscle treatment. Just when you think the road can’t get any worse…
If it is kundalini related, there are two things to be aware of:
- Looking from the point of view of Ayurveda, a systemic (symetrical whole body) rash is related to Pitta aggravation, and pitta pacifying remedies can help, especially pitta pacifying diet. It is covered here in the online lessons, and in the Diet, Shatkarmas & Amaroli and AYP Easy Lessons Vol 2 books. There is a case of extreme rash covered in the Secrets of Wilder novel, but without much remedial action beyond a total cessation of spiritual practices, followed by a gradual recovery. If you have been doing any practices, including meditation, you may want to back off until things stabilize.
- Kundalini rashes have an intimate connection with activity in the digestive system (unbalanced emergence of “nectar cycle”). The temporary use of an over-the-counter anti-acid medication like Tagamet can help. So can temporary use of an ordinary anti-inflamatory medication like Advil, which can also be used as a sleep aid in the form of Advil PM. Surely there are natural herbal remedies that can help, perhaps even more, but the easy-to-obtain common remedies mentioned can bring some immediate relief.
There are a variety of externally applied creams that can help with itch. The above mentioned measures go a bit deeper to affect systemic causes. Of course, the ultimate causes of runaway kundalini are much deeper, and for those, lifestyle and spiritual practices have to be managed judiciously over the long term, with self-pacing and grounding always being priorities.
Wishing you a quick recovery. All the best!
The guru is in you.
Hope you get well very soon.
Thanks again Namath, and to you Yogani, for your input.
The rash is getting better!
It’s three months now, and I am certain that it is running its course. I became sensitized to multiple allergens, and the condition has been complicated by secondary problems that commonly occur with this type of disorder.
I haven’t been doing much in the way of practice for self pacing reasons. In the beginning I found that one of the triggers to the flare ups was an asana routine.
The triggers are myriad, but the thing that set everything off was a muscle mobilization procedure (I recall an email dialogue about this with you Yogani). The procedure has helped immensely, but I knew there would be consequences, and there were.
The most interesting characteristic of this condition was that some of the sensations were very similar to the flowing of prana in meditation, except that rather than being pleasant they were burning and painful.
I’d like to investigate this further, as it seems that “k rash” is somewhat common.
You may have already done this, but just in case not… do a search on “kundalini rash” using the forum search function… you will find many topics on this.
I am glad the rash is getting better. Have you tried oil pulling? That may help in getting rid of some toxins, and may help with the rash.
Thanks Shanti
I will check out the oil pulling.
Most of the detox symptoms passed a while ago, but the whole thing set off so many secondary reactions that it’s taken a while for everything to calm down. This whole thing has made me much more aware of my skin!
I’ve searched about the k rash on the forums for sure, I was just thinking it would be nice to collate legit information and experiences regarding these types of conditions.
Sounds good.
Let me see if our AYP survey expert would be interested (and has the time) in working with a survey for this.
Just in case this rash is not kundalini related then you may need to really up-level your immune system. I have no personal experience but Sri Durga Mata, disciple of Yoganandaji, claimed that a several days fast on orange juice clears up pruritic rash. Might be worth a try.
The tincture that the naturopath gave us for Amrita is called Solum Aesculus. Worked like a charm for her. Hope you find relief soon!
Hey TTN,
Just following up on yoganis recommendation for a pitta pacifying diet, there is a free Ayurvedic cookbook at this link
It has recipes that help balance out both pitta and vata which I think play a part in many overload symptoms. Plus some helpful hints
Also soaked psyllium husk can help mop up excess pitta in the digestive tract and so can the herbs triphala, (that should be available from any Ayurvedic practitioner), also turmeric taken internally can help reduce inflammation…
I hope you recover soon.
Hi Jamuna, thank you for your advice! I’ve been trying to stay pitta for the past couple of months. I’m not sure that it really helped in my case, but it was worth a try. Also stopped eating gluten, not sure if that made a difference either.
Carson, I will check out this stuff, it sounds like it would’ve been just the thing to try… I’m glad it helped your daughter.
Turtle, thanks for the suggestion. The rash was definitely a purification symptom, but my immune system just went haywire and I became allergic to everything.
I am feeling better each day really, which is amazing. It’s a miracle, I can’t even explain what it feels like to not itch and burn like crazy all over 24/7. I’m actually sleeping and everything!
Just thought I would double check what you meant by ‘stay pitta’
I think the go is that an inflammatory rash may be caused by too much of the pitta quality. So to reduce the severity of the rash you want to lower your overall pitta. That’s probably what you meant but ill elaborate just in case.
Pitta has the quality of heat and is responsible for digestion. Too much pitta can show up as too much acidity in the stomach (heartburn)(probably why yogani suggested ant-acids), inflammatory conditions (acne, rash), feeling hot and extra thirsty, short temper and your eyes might also have increased prominence of blood vessels in the sclera whilst out of balance. If you suffer from any of these you may have too much pitta and it might be making the rash worse.
If you avoid food with hot spices, too much sun, oily foods (except ghee), acidic foods (alcohol, refined sugars), and heating foods (meats, eggs) and sour and salty tastes you will help pacify pitta (as well as eating the foods recommended on the list in the online lessons for pitta constitution).
also some foods are especially cooling and might be good to include like yoghurt, pear and apple juice (which you can add a pinch of bicarb soda too too reduce your acidity), celery & aloe vera.
You might all ready know all this and it might not be of any help in your case but I thought I would say so just in case and others might find it useful in the future. I’m glad your feeling better anyhow
Thanks jamuna!
Yes, I meant staying on the pitta diet… like anti pitta foods.
But i don’t think it’s been much help. K rash, yes. But not from the traditional overload symptoms. My body definitely runs hot, but that’s not what’s caused the rash.
I tend to get mindbendingly bizarre purification symptoms from any sort of healing treatment… for example acupuncture or massage. Far more bizarre than what I’ve experienced with say, hullicinogenic mushrooms. In this case, a treatment I received just kind of blew away my body’s balance and it went all haywire. I became allergic to everything.
Thanks for your input!
Allergic to everything… Yikes, that’s a tough one
I hope you enjoy a swift recovery from here