Hello all,
I need some help with that.
I was practicing vajroli mudra ( sucking water with the penis helped with a plastic syringe all the way up to the bladder, combined with bramacharia (ejaculation abstinence) during 6 months)) with amazing results, so I keep doing more and more on dayly basis, full of energy and with the body like never before.i felt supergood.
But I went to far.
I read that Tibetan do it with milk, and I don’t know why I make the stupid idea of doing it with soja milk. And I heart the tip of the penis. Then I thought ahh maybe the milk is going to produce bacteria, and I have the tip of the penis damage, so I add another stupid idea and I put Betadine in the tip of the penis to desinfect and then …burning like hell!!!
So couldn’t pee and the bladder full of industrial soja milk calling for bacteria. Prostatitis, uretritis, urinary tract infection, damage and pain all around during the last 2 months.
After antibiotics acuupuncture etc the thing go better but never recovery complete, and remain urinary tract and bladder discomfort.
Keeping during this 2 months bramacharia, but yesterday I decided that ejaculate often will help to cure it, and in deed is working, but still discomfort. It seems the urinary tract is damage in the middle.
I know is a funny and weird story but what can I do, sometimes I go to far in my ignorance.
I will be very grateful if someone have suggestions for recovery completely.
Hi Sunya,
Sorry to hear about the problems you have been experiencing. We are not able to give medical advice on this forum, because it is not a suitable place to be doing that. So, my recommendation would be to go back to your doctor and follow the medical advice they give.
I do not advise people to use catheters for vajroli mudra, for this reason, and it is not recommended in the AYP lessons. There is no benefit to be gained from it, and as you have experienced, there is the possibility of infection. Vajroli mudra will happen at the right time, when it is supposed to, simply by using our regular yoga practices of meditation, pranayama, mudras, bandhas etc.
I also do not advise complete celibacy, except for people who find that is their natural way of functioning in the world. If it is not our natural tendency, then it will be forced, and that can lead to mental and physical issues. So, ejaculating once a week or so, is safer for most men.
Sunya, Hang in there. I’m sure many of us have over done things at times. Your desire for more has created some issues in the present. As Christi said we are not here for medical advice. I will just add the human body has an amazing capacity to heal. Some tissues are slower to recover after injury but the body is wired to return to a healthy baseline. It is a good idea to work with a medical practitioner should there be more complicated issues. The hardest part is readjusting one’s intensity (self pacing in the AYP tradition). As Yogani often reminds us “Rome wasn’t built in a day” and it takes time to achieve enlightenment. Regroup, forgive yourself for being overly enthusiastic (a trait that will serve you well in the longterm) and find a balance in your practices. Patience is a skill worth honing. You will get back on track with learnings under your belt (literally ).
Welcome, Sunya
Sorry to hear about the infection, hope your “innards” are on the mend. When you have healed, Disciplined AYP practices can get you to automatic vajroli mudra, with out all that extra equipment and nonsense, simply by finding silence through following the mantra.
Why would you feel supergood doing vajroli with water? Aren’t you are supposed to feel supergood sucking the essence of a woman into yourself through vajroli?
Could you please elaborate.
Hi Yogicscenery,
Essentially Vajroli mudra is for drawing your own sexual fluids up into the bladder and your own sexual energy upwards through the body. It will happen naturally at a certain stage in the process of inner purification. So, there is nothing we need to do to make this happen other than our regular spiritual practices. There is no need to be thinking in terms of drawing anything up into the bladder other than our own sexual fluids.
When it happens, it can be intermittent to begin with and will gradually expand to become a process that is happening 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
I recorded a short podcast on the production of Amrita which is here: